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Your Chatbot. In Over 100 Languages.

With ChatLingual’s live chatbot translation capabilities, you can easily create a powerful native language experience within your existing chatbot. Enjoy higher customer satisfaction scores and lower costs when you power up your chatbot with ChatLingual’s Translation API.

chatbot translation tool

Chatbot Translation
at Scale

ChatLingual simplifies chatbot deployment and flowchart modification by making it easy to add new languages to the decision tree. Scale your bot to your global customer base while maintaining a single English application.

ChatLingual’s chatbot localization tools allow you to:

multilingual chatbot translation
how to make a chatbot multilingual

Bring Your Own Bot

ChatLingual’s Translation API connects directly with your existing CRM and integrates with any chatbot, including:

Benefits of
Multilingual Chatbots

Transform your ordinary chatbot into a multilingual team member. Multilingual chatbots reduce support costs, drive localization, and deliver a unique customer experience every time.

"When a particular market event or trend pops up and customers begin to contact us about the same topics, we can now easily answer questions by modifying the journey and deploying it once."

Oliver Grant Digital Transformation Senior Manager, SmartTech Customer Operations at Vodafone

How a Big 4 Accounting Firm Increased Efficiencies With an AI Multilingual Chatbot

Support Global Teams
with Translation

Provide the same native language experience you give to your customers, to your global employees. Support your multilingual workforce by leveraging instant chatbot translation, giving them access to the resources they need quickly and efficiently.